Today’s Reading from the Rule of St. Benedict

Reading for: February, 19

Chapter 16: How the Work of God Is to Be Performed During the Day

“”Seven times in the day,” says the Prophet, “I have rendered praise to You” (Ps. 118[119 ontime=”00:00:01″ offtime=”23:59:59′]:164). Now that sacred number of seven will be fulfilled by us if we perform the Offices of our service at the time of the Morning Office, of Prime, of Terce, of Sext, of None, of Vespers and of Compline, since it was of these day Hours that he said, “Seven times in the day I have rendered praise to You” (Ps. 118[119 ontime=”00:00:01″ offtime=”23:59:59′]:164). For as to the Night Office the same Prophet says, “In the middle of the night I arose to glorify You” (Ps. 118[119 ontime=”00:00:01″ offtime=”23:59:59′]:62).

Let us therefore bring our tribute of praise to our Creator “for the judgments of His justice” at these times: the Morning Office, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline; and in the night let us arise to glorify Him (Ps. 118[119 ontime=”00:00:01″ offtime=”23:59:59′]:164,62).”



Note:  To be inclusive, the even-numbered chapters below have been adapted for a women’s community and the odd-numbered chapters are for a men’s community.

Selections above from Saint Benedict’s Rule for Monasteries, translated from the Latin by Leonard J. Doyle OblSB, of Saint John’s Abbey, (© Copyright 1948, 2001, by the Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, MN 56321). Adapted for use here with the division into sense lines of the first edition that was republished in 2001 to mark the 75th anniversary of Liturgical Press. Doyle’s translation is available in both hardcover and paperback editions.

Benedict’s Rule: A Translation and Commentary by Terrence G. Kardong, O.S.B. is the first line-by-line exegesis of the entire Rule of Benedict written originally in English. This full commentary — predominately literary and historical criticism — is based on and includes a Latin text of Regula Benedicti (Liturgical Press).

RB 1980 in Latin and English with Notes is a modern, scholarly translation ed. by Timothy Fry, OSB (Liturgical Press, 1981), 672 p. The translation by itself is also available in paperback.